Friday, March 16, 2018

Egoistic Boy - Part 3 : Base coloring tutorial and layer management Paint tool SAI (Mouse user)

Hello all,nice to meet you, we meet again in my project "Egoistic Boy". Links to all tutorial placed on bottom of this post. From last post we have make lineart of this work, in that tutorial we have done with curve and then let us jump to the next part of tutorial "Base coloring". 
Base coloring is an important step to determinate what will your art look like. In this part skill to manage and choosing color needed.

Some of new designer choose color with high contrast, they just put color from brigher or most top right color, but this is wrong. We should use our intuition to decide what color should used. That color brighter than shading and softer than lighting. 

In this work i use blue and green as base color. I dont use most top right color because it will be weird to see. Middle color is better to use.

Okay this is our final result on this tutorial.

And let us start..

At first we could make folder for our work, it will make better for customizing in next step. 

Click on folder icon "New Layer Set" It will create a new folder, The default name is "Set1", you can rename this on your own by double clicking on the folder and rename it.

And this is the result.
Next we should drag our last work in to the folder, just left click and drag it.

Do it for all our fix layer, i do not input sketching layer because it just a helper, you can delete t instead. Lineart layer is something we should to insert.

After that, we start to coloring step.

First we should make a selection area, use magic wand on picture below.

Second go to our lineart layer and click on the inside. It will look like this one.

It will be non perfect selection, zoom in using mouse scroll and go to the point in the narrow place.

To be a better color area this should be selected first.

1. You can use "Magic wand" to selecting, just click and click on the area.

2. You can use tool named "select" on tool bar.

Use it, set to smaller size.

Just left click and drag to make selection. I almost use this tool because it get faster speed to selecting some narrow place. Just like coloring with pen.

And then we have to create a new coloring layer to place th ecolor.

Clcik on new layer and a new layer will appear.

On picture below, i have move the layer to new folder named "hair". I determine this for hair coloring.

To place a color in the selection area, you can use buckter for fastest way.
Click on bucket  in teh tool bar and click on selected area.

I use vlue color to hair, because this is anime style do not need some realistic color.

Next step we should coloring the face.
Go bact to lineart layer - use magic wand to select in large place - zoom in to selecting in narrow place.

After selecting we will see dotted line, this is mark for area selected.
To remove the dotted line use CTRL + D

See.. always there something like this on selecting area.

Make new layer to place the color.
Make folder for face coloring.
Use bucket and click on the selected area.
CTRL+D to clear the selection.

And then repeat the step for neck coloring.

In picture above, we have some problem.
Go to deselect it and then go to lineart layer to fix it. Use CTRL to drag the line.

In picture below i have fix the error and the selection will be fine.

Selection areas are based on isolated place cause of line. You need to make new line for picture below.

And done.. It can be selected for now.

Just select it with magic wand, and fix some narrow place selection.

Use bucket to coloring, done.

And then for another area, select - bucket - deselect.

Ahh.. i make a mistake, how to fix this faster?
Use Pen tool with small size, and then just do it.

Now we have done with body coloring, but we still need to coloring the eye.

Use CTRL + T on the top most layer to transform it.

I use this for a better view, this is why we shoule make a master folder before all.

For eye coloring we have make a special lineart, it will easier to manage.

Select the eye with Magic wand.

Hmm... i foreget something, we dont need the line in the eye, just delete it in lineat using ALT+click.

Put color with bucket.

I the ear, we need a color over hair, so set the placement of Eye and Ear folder above Hair folder,

"Skin color line" is something i used to make isolate place for selecction.
Then use Bucket to place the color.

The line will be there above the Eye folder, so delete it will make clear look.

Picture below is the result for Ear base coloring.

Lips is the smallest area but this is important, so make sure you choose a good color.

And last we have done with base coloring. This step have done for 15 min time spent.

Here the result. Still look weird enough, haha. 

On next step we will get better result by placing some hair shadow. These are links for this project.

Egoistic Boy project:

Thanks for visiting, hope this tutorial will help you so much. Don't stop to try,just try and try till get betetr result.


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