Monday, December 03, 2018

Getting trouble with your Wacom? Try to restarting it without turning off the computer

Hasil gambar untuk wacom

Wacom is a tool for drawing something. It commonly used by artist, but some people use it for presentetion or older. Sometimes Wacom tablet become unresponding, can't doing a pressure or other errors. A simplest way to fix is to restarting the PC / Laptop, but it will take a litte longer. Here is a trick for restarting your wacom.

Open Computer Management
Go to Services and Applications - Services
Find Wacom Professional Service
Then click Restart


Friday, November 09, 2018

How to "Manually" clear cache and data in your Android Virtual Device (AVD) using linux (Ubuntu, Kali, etc.)

AVD (Android Virtual Device) is an android device that run in your computer otherwise it is called Android Emulator. In this case we are using AVD from Android Studio. You can download the AVD emulator and SDK from their official website.

AVD commonly used in programming android program. While using VS code to program an android software using Android Studio, React Native, Flutter dart, etc. AVD sometimes begin laggy, slow to run and sometimes stop booting. So clearing the data will boost it faster and fix the problem.

Here is the step to manually clear your AVD data.

Close your AVD first

Open your terminal and run Nautilus or other Explorer Programs

Go to Home -> .android -> avd -> [your avd name].avd

delete some of .img.qcow2


Done, you can boot to your AVD.

Thanks for visiting.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Enable your webcam in android emulator using linux terminal

While using linux,webcam do not activate automatically as a camera in your android emulator. It will give you a random block image while running front camera and back camera. So.. You can avtivate it by using this command.

First go to your android emulator directory, this is mine

cd /android-sdk/tools/

run your emulator using this code

./emulator -camera-front webcam0 -avd AVDNAME

-camera-front-webcam0 = front camera using webcam0
-camera-back-webcam0 = back camera using webcam0

you can change webcam0 to your webcam device id

Done, yo can use your webcam in android emulator

Your Gnome Desktop Icon Missing? Here is the solution to bring it back

Using Gnome desktop mean you should following their updates. And in the lastest update Gnome have deleted their Desktop icon by default. But this is not the end, if you someone who comfort at using desktop icon, you should try this one.

First, Gnome has their control menu named Gnome Tweak. If you already install this tool before you can run it via Application menu then search for tweak.
Or you can install it by..

apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

Here is the interface

On the menu tab there a tab name Extension. 
For installing Gnome Desktop extension you can download it from

Extraxt and Copy you downloaded file to


Just make a  new folder if you do not have extension folder

then open metadata.json file using text editor, and edit this line

"uuid": "desktop-icons@csoriano"

Change desktop-icons@csoriano to your folder name or change your folder name to uuid name

Press F2 or fn+F2 then type r amd enter  to refresh your shell

Then DONE. You can enable the Desktop-Icon extension on your tweak. Thanks for reading

How to run VLC in root user

Hello linux user whereever you are, here is a simple problem with a simple solution for how to run VLC in root user. But i do not prefer to use this step, because if it prohibited to run as root , that should  have some meaning.
Running VLC using root account will give you some risk, so be carefull :)

Here is the problem

"VLC is not supposed to be run as root. Sorry. If you need to use real-time priorities and/or privileged TCP ports you can use vlc-wrapper (make sure it is Set-UID root and cannot be run by non-trusted users first)."

First solution
Copy this syntax (CTRL+C) and then paste to your terminal (CTRL+SHIFT+V)

 sed -i 's/geteuid/getppid/' /usr/bin/vlc

Then enter
You dont need sudo if you run your computer as root

or the second solution

gedit /usr/bin/vlc 

search for geteuid and replace it with getppid 
Save file & Exit.

Then VLC can run as root

VLC media player 3.0.4 Vetinari (revision 3.0.4-0-gf615db6332)
[000055957bfae750] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
[000055957bfa93a0] main playlist: playlist is empty
QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread

There were some solution for running VLC as root, Do on your own risk.

Wednesday, July 04, 2018

How to save .png transparent with Paint Tool SAI v2

If you was using paint tool sai v1 before, you will easily save as .png and it will have a blank background. But in Paint tool SAI v2 there are some features  that make it more complex than before. One of them is background.

Ok lets go, these are steps to make transparent background on Paint Tool SAI v2

1. Open your file

2. And then follow the steps

Click canvas - background - Transparent (white)


Simple? Haha thats very simple but usefull :)

Thanks for visit, see you next post ^^

Monday, July 02, 2018

How to inactive instagram account via Handphone and PC

Hello everyone here is the step to inactive your instagram account

Via PC / laptop

1. Login to your account

2. Go to profile

 3. Click edit profile

4. Done 

And then here are steps to inactive instagram account Via Handphone / Smartphone

1. Open Chrome

2. Tap on [. . .] at top right

3. Check Desktop Site

4. Follow step same as Via Laptop

5. Done

Monday, May 14, 2018

How to disable network credential on sharing windows 10 or older

Sharing is one of some important things to do. On my older post i have talk about sharing via Wireless LAN (WLAN). And now i will give solution about the trouble.

Hasil gambar untuk credential sharing

Do you even see this dialog box when sharing files? This will be disturbing and make.nonsense while clicking computer in Network
So how to remove this dialog box? i will told you some ways.

First Trick
Local security policy

First.. open control anel and then go to System and Security - Administrative tools

Open Local Security Policy 

Go to local policies - Security options and click on  Accounts : limit local account use of blank passwords to console login only

Set it to disable - Aplly and OK


and then for 
Second trick
Using computer management

Open Computer management by right clicking on windows icon - click 

Go to services and application - click  services
Look for credential manager and double click on it

Set the status type to disable and then OK


Thats all two step how to disable network credential dialog box on sharing windows 10 or older.(windows 7/8/8.1). If you still get some troubles just comment below, and i will give you some advise 

Thanks for visiting...

Sunday, May 13, 2018

How to transfer files using Wireless LAN (WLAN / hosted network)

How to transfer files using Wireless LAN (WLAN / hosted network)

Communicate is a process that transfer information from source or server to receiver across a media. This media called transmission media. There are two kinds of transmission media base of the material used. these are wire and wireless.

In a wire connection such as RJ-45, using this cable you have to connecting the sender and receiver using it. Range of transmission are will be as long as the wire, and also more wire needed to connect on multiple receiver or source. This is the primitive one but in some case will be effective one. And now we are commonly use wireless connection which have more efficiency and surely less cost. Using wireless connection will improve the range of transmission area based on gain level of source antenna, and receiver antenna. And other advantage also for some receivers just need to add more antenna and connect to same network.

Sharing is a type of communication, because it sending some datas and informations to receiver. In this tutorial i will talk about how to make a windows files sharing and transfer using a Wireless LAN.(WLAN).

You need to prepare a computer that support hosted network. Because we have to create an Ad Hoc connection first.

To check your hosted network is available yet, just type this command on cmd
netsh wlan show driver
and then see on that red square.

For how to create ad hoc or wireless lan connection click on this link  or you can use a simple apps to create hosted network

And next.. set up our network discovery.

Go to Control Panel - Network and Internet - Network and sharing center - and click on change advance sharing settings

Set up in your computer as the following image (windows 10 other windows version can be a little different but exactly same)

Set up this setting on both receiver and sender computer, so it can be connected each other.

Next we should set the shared folder at sender computer.
Just right click on a folder - properties and ...

Click share

 click share

 just wait some minutes, depend on your folder size


see the folder now be shared

And now, from the receiver (should connect in same network with sender) go to windows explorer (press WIN + E) and click on network.

You will see your computer name and name of sender computer. Just click on sender computer and click on the folder. And last you are able to copy/cut and paste.

END-joy ^^

Thanks for visiting, write some comment and share to support us. Thanks...

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

Modulation and kinds of modulation

Hello all.. good morning or afternoon or night whatever you read this post, (lol)

Now i will explain about a basic knowledge of networking that called Modulation. What is modulation and what kind of type modulation, i will describe it as far as i can.

Gambar terkait

Let we start about a sample analogy.

Think about your lecturer sound, when he/she talk there are something different when you are in front of the class and behind the class. While you are in front, you will hear his/her sound well but while you are in behind of the class, the sound will be smaller and get some trouble than it. The trouble is called  noise.

Now lets think again.. While your lecturer use speaker while talk, his/her sound will heard better from behind the class than before. This is in same case with modulation.

The information that you send without modulation have smaller range than after modulation. But why??

Here is the answer, in modulation the information signal will be transmitted and overlapped with carrier signal. Carrier signal make a better range because it has more high frequency. Higher the frequency will give a larger area that affected.

So we get the conclusion that Modulation is a process that make information signal to overlapped with carrier signal which is have higher frequency.

Base on the information signal type modulation can be differentiated about 2 kinds:
1. Analog Modulationn
2. Digital modulation

The analog modulation, can be differentiated about some kinds:
1. AM (Amplitude Modulation)
2. FM (Frequency Modulation)
3. PM (Phase Modulation)

The digital modulation, can be differentiated about some kinds:
1. ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying)
2. FSK (Frequency Shift Keying)
3. PSK (Phase Shift Keying)

Detail about that kinds of modulation will be available in next post.

Thanks for reading about this post, if you still have some questions just tell me in the comment below.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Egoistic Boy - Part 6 : Cloth remodeling, coloring and some improvement tutorial Paint tool SAI (Mouse user)

From last part we have done about some coloring for eyes, hair, and skin. Now we should continue to take body coloring and remodeling. 
For you who want to see previous step or part, just scroll to most bottom of the post. 

And here the destination of our tutorial, feel more life and smooth ^^

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Summer Girl - Painting in Paint tool SAI

Cute enough???

I  start to drawing this on last week, but stopped for 5 days because of other project. And at last, i finished this work. Total work 48 hours I think, because I need 24 hours just for sketch and lineart, i m not a pro yet.

With a warm, sweet and light color i draw this style. Thanks for all art that became my color specimen haha. But I hate when i must set the background to blurry ._ I was make a detailed background and it end up with a blur.. hiks..

Hope you all like this art so much.. see you on my next post ^^

Need a HD size?

And for someone who want to see part by part and a non blur background.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Egoistic Boy - Part 5 : Face and Eye coloring tutorial Paint tool SAI (Mouse user)

Hello everybody, brothers and sisters whereever you are. 

In last post i have write something about Hair coloring tutorial, shading and lighting Paint tool SAI (Mouse user), and then in this post we will jump to the next step. 

We will talk about Face and Eye coloring tutorial Paint tool SAI (Mouse user), so this post will explain how to drawing eye and some face shading.

This tutorial is just a basic tutorial, you can improve it with your own skill. I just shown you what should we do for get better result. 

And here is the result for this part of tutorial, just less than 1 hour to done this part. Yeah this is simplest part but important.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Egoistic Boy - Part 4 : Hair coloring tutorial, shading and lighting Paint tool SAI (Mouse user)

Egoistic Boy - Part 4 : Hair coloring tutorial, shading and lighting Paint tool SAI (Mouse user) 

Hello guys... Last week we have done with base coloring tutorial. the result was good enough but still need more improve. In this tutorial we will talk about shading. 

Shading is an important thing to do, for a better art shading make art be more awesome. In Paint Tool SAI we should make our own shade with some tools. 
Here are the tools:
1. PC/Laptop/Notebook
2. Mouse
3. A cup of coffee
4. Large of love about your project <3

For information shading using mouse is harder than make it in manual or using pentab. But this is not an impossible case, just need some trick and it can be easier. Today quote is:

"We talk about mouse we think about line art, line art make our day be better"

To understand about this tutorial please read my last tutorial, the link is bottom of this page.