Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Something about CPU (Central Processing Unit)

For you who already using computer for a long time ago, CPU not a special word to hear. If you are a new comer you are lucky to read this thread. But even you already hear the name, someone still don;t understand about meaning and purose of CPU it self. We know CPU is an important thing, but why? Now i will describe it in a moment.

Hasil gambar untuk cpu

Meaning of CPU (Central Processing Unit)

As we know, from the name this a central something, the purpose is for processing and and it is made from a complex thing named unit. So CPU is hardware in computer to execute some command and process data from software.
Without a good quality of CPU will cause laptop or computer not to work well. How processor (CPU) works? Data from input will entering to processor and then it will sotored for a while in RAM (Random Access Memory) and then the instruction will be saved in Program Storage or can be some output (sound, light, etc).
So knowing about the quality of CPU is important to get optimal work.

Hasil gambar untuk cpu

Purpose of CPU 

Back to the basic question, "what for?". Because if it just a useless thing this is not important anymore. From the meaning we know something about processor:

1.  Controlling the input and output system
2. Take the data from process result to the storage
3. Take any instruction from the main storage
4. Take data from the storage and then do the data process
5. If there any arithmetic problem, CPU will send the instruction to ALU

And then we know about something now, and the most important thing after knowing the meaning and purpose is you can think to use the processor optimally.

These are somethings about CPU that I can share to you now, see you n the next post for more information. Thanks for visit ^^


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