Friday, February 09, 2018

Photoshop basic - Simple tutorial to rendering photo using photoshop

Hello guys, from east to the west, from north to the south and from hell to the heaven hahahaa.. now i will share to you about a simple trick to rendering photo using adobe photoshop. Whats is photoshop? I think you are know better about me but i will say something that photoshop is an application to editing, manipulating, creating, drawing, and many other thing about design. Yes, photoshop is an apllication that usefull on design graphic. But photoshop is not the only one application that can be used to design graphic you can so use Corel, Paint, or Other.
Back to the topic, i will show a little tutorial abaut rendering photos, but what is render? is it yummy to eat? hahaha not that.. render is an activity that you use your power in photoshop to crop some part to get the wanted part. And then this is the
step by step.

let's start >>
open photoshop (any version but the latest version recommended)

open the picture that you want to render

then look at the red circle, click on the lock syimbol in some version u must get it double click until the lock is gone.

next use CTRL+T to transform and get the best view to render.

now the war has just begin.. i mean the harder step
you can use some tolls to render it

Let me give some advise
1. Lasso tool - if you have a good talent on using mouse, just use this. This is the fastest one.
2. Polygonal Lasso tool - this the fast tool but you will get some corner on your render result
3. Magic wand tool - this is the fastest but with the worst result. You just clicking on the outer area and press delete and repeat it. Very very very unrecommended
4. Pen toll - if you are a person who like to work slow but with the best result use this. It will be better because you can edit on some node.

And now I use the first toll (Lasso tool) i just mark the outside - press delete - repeat


Press DEL

And here the result

Hope this simple tutorial help you to rendering photos, thanks for visiting. Just comment if you have some question or some advise to my tutorial. See you next post ^^


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