Sunday, September 06, 2015

Stop Windows Update and Store Update On Windows 10 Manually

Stop Windows Update and Store Update On Windows 10 Manually Using Computer Management

have your PCs have installed with windows 10, if haven't you can install windows 10 from windows update or its can be downloaded from here.
FaQ about windows update:
Q: owhh, why?? my internet quota is been lost in a quick time after i use modem?
A: let you check on task manager whats application that make your quota lost.

Q: my windows update and store update always running without my confirmation, how to stop it?
A: its just a simple thing, you know!! follow the step bellow

  1. open windows explorer
  2. right-click on "This PC" 
  3. click manage
  4. click services and aplications
  5. click services
  6. look for "windows update" in the bottom
    computer management

  7. double-click on "windows update" or right-click then click properties
  8. if windows update still running click "stop"
  9. change startup type to "manual" or "disable", i suggest to change into disable
  10. finish

simple? i agree with you, its simple XD
this trick could used to windows 7/8/8.1 too

note: if you want to turn on windows update again, sett start up type to automatic or manual


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